On the advice of my Cheffin I now sometimes gathered briefly how the Burzeldagsgrüße are reingetrudelt:
personally | 14 |
mail business | 2 |
mail privately | 3 |
mailbox | a |
a | |
SMS | 10 |
56 |
PS: The chart is the way Google wife made for me. Here's the link: \u0026lt;img src = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=300x225&cht=p3&chco=FF9900 7CD33333%%% 7C3366CC 7C00FF00% 7C990066% 7C008000% 7C76A4FB & chd = s: JBCBBGi & CHDL = pers% C3% B6nlich 7CMail% +% C3% protected A4ftlich 7CMail_privat%%% 7CMailbox 7CXING% 7CSMS CHTT% 7CFacebook = Birthday & Statistics "alt =" Birthday Statistics "width =" 300 " height = "225" /> Thanks for that! discovered